Friday, July 18, 2008

Keep Your Hands Out of the Retirement Plan Cookie Jar

The need for self-control and the propensity to give in are something we all must grapple with on a daily basis. But the now well known adage to "Just Say No" applies to much more than just resisting the urge to smoke, drink too much, or indulge in other unhealthy lifestyles. For many, this includes the urge to dip into their retirement savings when things get tight.

According to a recent report in the Wall Street Journal, more Americans are now dipping into their retirement funds than ever before. And recent economic conditions make it easy to justify doing so. Part of the problem is that liquidating or borrowing even a few thousand dollars in one's 401(k) doesn't seem too harmful, particularly when families are scrambling to pay bills in the face of unemployment or unexpected medical bills. But it is harmful and even reducing one's retirement account by "just" a few thousdan dollars can have a huge impact on one's future retirement income.

Can a few thousand dollars really make that big of a difference? The answer is Yes. And the answer is even more Yes when considering that future resources for retirement income are drying up.

With pensions going the way of the dodo bird, most Americans will have to rely on their personal and retirement savings more than ever. This on top of the fact that studies show 4 out of 5 Americans aren't saving enough for retirement to begin with. Then add in rising medical care, increased longevity and the "i" word (inflation), and you're talking about adding real insult to your retirement injury!

The good news is that you can Just Say No to borrowing or spending down your retirement savings. It might require a little fiscal dieting, but the long-term prognosis for your future will be much healthier.

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