Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bad Agents Selling Bad Products Giving Annuities a Bad Name

A response to Dateline NBC's program entitled "Tricks of the Trade"

On Sunday, April 13, 2008, Dateline NBC aired a show entitled "Tricks of the Trade" that exposed many of the unethical and misleading tactics some salespeople use to persuade seniors to buy equity-indexed annuities. Although anyone taking advantage of the aged should rightly be exposed, the Dateline program did little more than paint the entire annuity marketplace with a broad and unfavorable brushstroke. Instead of focusing only on the real problem - rogue insurance agents selling inappropriate investments that were unsuitable for their senior clients - the program unfairly pigeon-holed all annuities and those who sell them into the same negative category.

The problem with the program's format is that it would lead many to believe that all annuities have extremely long surrender terms, little or no liquidity and truly excessive surrender charges - all of which are untrue. Many annuities feature surrender terms as short as three years and most allow for annual withdrawals without penalty  - an advantage that most annuities have over their more conservative counterparts the CD.

Furthermore, the program would also lead many to believe that annuities are always an unsuitable investment for seniors - also untrue. Although it would be unwise for a senior to invest their entire life savings in a long-term annuity (or any long-term illiquid investment for that matter), many seniors today successfully diversify their portfolios by investing a portion of their assets into annuities many of which now offer valuable living benefits not available through more traditional investments. Other seniors find immediate annuities an attractive solution in providing lifetime income they cannot outlive. And still others somewhere in between incorporate laddered annuity strategies that provide a combination of both growth and income.

Although annuities are not the solution for everyone, they continue to serve as a popular investment option because of their tax-deferred growth, tax-free transfer privileges, guaranteed death benefits for beneficiaries and options for a guaranteed lifetime income. And as mentioned before, new living benefits make many variable annuities particularly attractive for those who want to participate in equity markets while protecting investment principal.

Despite the misleading and dishonest practices of some in the industry who are only seeking a big commission and a quick buck, reports like these also serve as a valuable opportunity to explain how basic investment principals and sound guidance will never go out of style. 

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